About us

The Vilnius University Gender Studies Centre (GSC) – the first of its kind in the Baltic States - was established in 1992.  Today the GSC functions as base for interdisciplinary academic research on women and gender.  The centre also plays an important role in forming gender policy in Lithuania.
The foundational goal of the GSC is to integrate gender studies into the common curriculum at Vilnius University.  Every semester the GSC offers undergraduate electives   that are open to students from all VU departments.  The courses are distributed among several academic subjects: feminist philosophy, gender sociology, visual culture, feminist literature critique, feminist theology, personal law, women’s history, gender and information technology, masculinity studies and women’s health.  These courses are not merely an introduction to gender studies, but give an opportunity for students to incorporate knowledge of gender issues into their main course of study.  Each year these GSC electives take in approximately 300 students.
 Since 1999 the Gender Studies Centre has been publishing an annual journal “Feminizmas, visuomenė, kultūra” (Feminism, Society, Culture). It is the only interdisciplinary journal in Lithuania and the Baltics that focuses on the women’s and gender studies.
 Gender Studies Centre Library
 The library was established concurrently with the center and presently houses 2800 volumes on women’s, men’s and gender studies. It is the only library in Lithuania to focus on gender and is one of the largest in the Baltics.
In 2002 a virtual library feature was introduced at www.moterys.lt
Archive of Women’s Memories
Archive of Women’s Memories at GSC was established in 2001. The aim of the Archive is to collect and document authentic biographies of Lithuanian women. Presently, there are audio taped biographies of 50 women in this Archive.
Archive was established in 2001 with the goal of collect the most significant women’s presentations in a visual culture. Presently Archive includes more than 60 movies which were made in Soviet Lithuania (1945 – 1990).
The Gender Studies Center is financed by the Vilnius University, local and international funds (Open Society Fund Lithuania, Fund of Press, Radio and TV Support, US Embassy in Lithuania) and by the private support.

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